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About The Ramblin’ Reinhards

About Herb (Bert)

My wife and I are very different from each other. In fact, in some ways we are opposites. However, we love each other and we love to travel. Let me tell you about myself.

My name is Herb Reinhard. I am 60 years old and I have silver hair. However, I don’t feel old at all. I’m pretty active and I go jogging on a regular basis. When I was younger, I did a little bodybuilding, but then I got married, started a family, and got too busy to keep it up. I’d really like to get into it again if I could find the time.

When I go on vacation, I like to get up early and see everything I can. I want to visit places and cram as much into a vacation as I can make time for.

I love to go hiking and I like to visit historical and natural places. I don’t care for big cities at all. I’m not much of a beach person (I get bored quickly). I do like mountains and lakes.

I also like to fish. I’ve taken several fishing vacations, some with the family and some without. I want to see as much of the world as I can during my lifetime. When God created the world, He looked at it and saw that it was good. Who am I to disagree with Him? I just want to enjoy it!

About Martha (Marty)

Hey everybody! It’s nice to meet you! My name is Martha Reinhard😃 I like to think of myself as the curious, boho, Gypsy-wannabe lady. Am I really bohemian? Yes!! Well…in my heart I am. On the outside I look more like a 57-year-old, church-going, little ole lady. But I’m a bit of a Jesus-loving hippie at heart. 
I’m definitely not going to say that I LOVE to travel and I LOVE to experience new things and I LOVE to try new foods – because isn’t that what every travel blogger says? I would say that my love of seeing new things does stem from my curious nature. Are things really as beautiful as they look in the photos? I want to see for myself! Does chili really taste better with cinnamon in it? I want to see for myself! Are the streets and the vehicles really that much smaller in Europe than they are here in the states? I want to see for myself! And then guess what… you’re going to get an honest answer from me. 
My husband, the Silver Fox, wants to see everything up close and personal and tell everybody how truly fantastic as it is. I’ve always said he doesn’t wear rose colored glasses, rather he has rose colored contacts surgically implanted. So we definitely see things differently. He thinks I’m a pessimist, but I think I’m a realist (isn’t that what every pessimist says?) But I like to think I’m an exception to the rule. As a middle child, I try look at both sides of every situation. I tried to raise our two kids the same way. There is the other person’s truth, then there’s your truth, then there’s “THE” truth which lies somewhere in between. We all have our own point of view and I try to look at things from each side. Please note that I said try! 
>>> Wanna learn more about us? Keep reading if you’d like! 
I mentioned that we have two kids. They are my heartbeat. Stoller is our oldest, and Hattie is in High School. But we just gained another daughter in the summer of 2021. Everybody say “Hi!” to Sabrina! Stoller and Sabrina met early in their freshman year at Moody Bible Institute. Both of my kids were homeschooled. Stoller was homeschooled throughout all 12 years (14 years if you include pre-K and kindergarten). Hattie was homeschooled through Middle School and then started public High School as a Freshman. Have I mentioned yet that I love my kids?! Believe me, you’ll hear more about them as time goes on. 
Do you remember those commercials a few years ago and the tagline was, “I have MS, but MS doesn’t have me!” and then they would show somebody hanging off a cliff while rock climbing or bungee jumping or deep sea diving? Well, although I do think bungee jumping would be exhilarating, my MS does not allow me to be as active as the people in those commercials. Although I’m not quite restrained to a wheelchair, my mobility is extremely limited. But when you have a happy, healthy hubby, like my Silver Fox, who’s willing to help me get around and see and experience all that I can, you don’t let the thought of traveling hold you back. Thank goodness for those rose-colored implants! He never complains. Literally. It’s almost weird LOL! 
Don’t mistake Herb’s willingness to help me, with a willingness to agree with me. Because us two peas are NOT from the same pod. I would say it’s more like – he’s a jumping bean and I’m a lazy potato. He bounces around from here to there, absorbing what he can and moving on to the next thing, but I use my (potato) eyes to take in every detail. I’m so very thankful God brought us together over 27 years ago. No one else would ever put up with me!”Give thanks in all circumstances.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18